Current situation of COVID-19 in Japan

COVID-19 poses huge negative impacts in many countries around the globe, and Japan is not an exception.

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare reported the figures about the COVID-19 cases in Japan as follows (as of June 30).

Total number of death: 972
Total number of PCR-positive: 18,593
Total number of PCR tested: 461,446

These numbers are significantly small compared to those in U.S., Russia, Brazil, India, and some European countries, though the reason is a mystery.

The government of Japan (and other local governments including Tokyo) has not locked down the city so far, and just requested voluntary "stay at home" and business suspension to some industries.  The request was cancelled on June 19, so many restaurants reopened as usual, and Tokyo Disney Resort also reopened with limited admission and availability.

It seems fine.  But a lot of Japanese people are anxious about the spread of infection because the number of PCR-positive cases are apparently increasing these days; 100+ positive cases are confirmed daily in Japan (50+ in Tokyo), these numbers are at the same level in March, when the infection spread started.

The government of Tokyo had set the criteria to request business suspension again, and the numbers hit the criteria, but on June 30, the criteria were changed to be vague ones and business suspension request was not declared.  It is clear the government preferred economy to infection prevention.

Criteria or indicators should be stable to monitor the changing situation objectively, and react with it properly.  But the government changed the criteria in a short period.

It is a typical action of the government of Japan.  They set the 'result' first, and collect and arrange information that leads to the result.  Against unfavorable information, they often conceal important facts and fabricate data.

Even if Japan appeals the safety for Olympic and inbound tourism, you should not trust it easily.

This is Japan.

Honest Hermit

1 comment:

  1. Today's number of new PCR-positive cases in Tokyo surged just after the alert criteria was changed.
