Japan's Technical Intern Training Program (also known as Slavery)

 Do you know 'Technical Intern Training Program' in Japan?

This government official program is inviting people in foreign countries to Japan, and they are working in various places as 'interns' and getting technical knowledge and experience.

It may sound good.  But it is just on the surface.

The reality is that 'interns' are forced to work more for less pay than Japanese workers.  Trainers are using 'interns' just as cheap labor like slaves.  Also, many jobs are not highly technical ones; just simple labors.

Most Japanese people avoid hard works for low salary, so the employers who can't retain expensive Japanese workers hire cheap ones from foreign countries.  Yes, the employers do depend on 'interns', not train them.

Many Japanese people recognize this program as slavery, and think it should be repealed.  Also, U.S. Department of State sees it as a serious problem, and requests Japan an improvement on the program to protect human rights.

The government of Japan is always slow or doesn't move unless the politicians or the bureaucrats can expect some benefit for themselves.

I am not sure if the situation will be improved.

This is Japan.

Honest Hermit

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